Collection #22


Databases in 2021: A Year in Review

A great summary of the current state of databases by Andy Pavlo.


Add animated 3D website backgrounds in a few lines of code.

Let's settle this

Internet debates have raged for too long. It’s time to settle the big questions so we can move on.

Tarot for Techies by @bgdotjpg is a tarot for techies.

Understanding UUIDs, ULIDs and String Representations

What UUIDs and ULIDs are under the hood, and how to encode and use them.

NPM libs 'colors' and 'faker' breaking thousands of apps

Developer Marak takes a stand against open source exploitation by big companies by breaking his libraries.

How we handle 80TB and 5M page views a month for under $400

Polyhaven describes how they save costs while running their website on Cloudflare, Vercel and Vultr.

Minecraft as a k8s admin tool

Eric Jadi shares his newest creation: using Minecraft as a Kubernetes admin tool.

Dev Hints

Short and on-the-point summaries of documentation for Bash, Go, React and many other tools and libraries.

Notable Releases


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