

Collection #26

This is Collection #26, a selection of interesting articles, stunning websites and cool tools around web development, technology and the internet.

8 min. read Published:

Why and How: Switch from RSA to EdDSA/ED25519 SSH keys

While RSA is still sufficient to work with while connecting to servers, you probably want to switch to EdDSA sooner or later. But probably sooner.

3 min. read Published:

Be careful with Docker port binding

In a recent security incident I learned that you have to be very careful with binding port on your Docker setup.

2 min. read Published:

WD My Cloud is vulnerable to remote attacks

A post on explains an exploit which makes WD My Cloud vulnerable to remote attacks.

1 min. read Published:

OSX vulnerable to remote code execution trough Git

Another keep-your-software-up-to-date warning