
2 min. read Published:

Useful Docker shell aliases

A collection of useful shell aliases for Docker and Docker Compose to speed up the development workflows.

6 min. read Published:

Cut your Docker for Mac response times in half with docker-sync

I was able to reduce the response times of my apps running with Docker for Mac up to 80%, by using the docker-sync tool.

3 min. read Published:

Setting up DNSSEC with Cloudflare and INWX

A short guide on how to set up DNSSEC with Cloudflare as the nameserver and INWX as your registrar.

5 min. read Published:

Publishing a static website to the dat:// network

A detailed tutorial about publishing a static website to the dat:// network, a new P2P internet network.

6 min. read Published:

A drop-in Docker stack for PHP apps

Over the past months I gradually implemented a solid Docker setup for all private projects. As I think that this stack is quite solid so I want to share it with you.

3 min. read Published:

Laravel 5: Use Query Caching to make your App really fast

There are several methods to make your Laravel app faster by using caching. Today I want to introduce query caching which reduced the number of database calls to almost zero.

4 min. read Published:

Programmatically add Custom Buttons to the Wordpress TinyMCE Editor

You can add 10 new custom buttons to the Wordpress Richtext Editor (TinyMCE) manually and bloat your functions.php – or you use this dynamic batch-like approach.

1 min. read Published:

CSS: Left-align text if it's using multiple lines

We want to achieve the following behaviour: if a text is centered and becomes aligned left when it files multiple lines.

1 min. read Published:

Change the cursor on your website to an Emoji

Yes, it's possible. Change the cursor to an emoji.

1 min. read Published:

Some fresh themes to spice up Hacker News

I decided to create some themes to spice up the Hacker News site with CSS only that can be used with almost every browser