

Collection #18

This is Collection #18, a selection of interesting articles, stunning websites and cool tools around web development, technology and the internet.


Collection #13

This is Collection #13, a selection of interesting articles, stunning websites and cool tools around web development, technology and the internet.


Collection #12

This is Collection #12, a selection of interesting articles, stunning websites and cool tools around web development, technology and the internet.


Collection #8

This is Collection #8, a selection of interesting articles, stunning websites and cool tools around web development, technology and the internet.

6 min. read Published:

Cut your Docker for Mac response times in half with docker-sync

I was able to reduce the response times of my apps running with Docker for Mac up to 80%, by using the docker-sync tool.

3 min. read Published:

Laravel 5: Use Query Caching to make your App really fast

There are several methods to make your Laravel app faster by using caching. Today I want to introduce query caching which reduced the number of database calls to almost zero.

1 min. read Published:

The font-display CSS property

A CSS property to improve font loading on your websites.

1 min. read Published:

Frontend Performance from Beginner to Expert to Insanity

Interesting hints about how to deliver your app contents and saving both requests and bandwith.