

Collection #8

This is Collection #8, a selection of interesting articles, stunning websites and cool tools around web development, technology and the internet.


Collection #7

This is Collection #7, a selection of interesting articles, stunning websites and cool tools around web development, technology and the internet.

4 min. read Published:

The Tradefinder

A web tool to find the most profitable trades between two merchants. Perfect for gamers.


Collection #5

This is Collection #5, a selection of interesting articles, stunning websites and cool tools around web development, technology and the internet.


Collection #2

This is Collection #2, a selection of interesting articles, stunning websites and cool tools around web development, technology and the internet.


Collection #1

This is Collection #1, a selection of interesting articles, stunning websites and cool tools around web development, technology and the internet.

1 min. read Published:

Vivus Instant

Need inline SVG animations but donโ€™t want to use Javascript? Try Vivus Instant.

4 min. read Published:

Programmatically add Custom Buttons to the Wordpress TinyMCE Editor

You can add 10 new custom buttons to the Wordpress Richtext Editor (TinyMCE) manually and bloat your functions.php โ€“ or you use this dynamic batch-like approach.

1 min. read Published:

Page scrolling indication made easy

Implement a page scrolling indicator using CSS only. No JavaScript.

1 min. read Published:

Real Time User

A user counter for your website - in real time.